Nyland's Conflict Agreement
By choosing to live in community at Nyland we have chosen to have relationships with one another. We agree that disagreement and conflict is a normal, healthy part of these relationships. By having a process we have all agreed upon and use when needed, we can have more positive, constructive, and effective interactions. We all agree to learn the following conflict resolution process, to develop the skills needed to use it, and to apply it to assist us in keeping our relationships healthy, working, and neighborly.
We understand that there are many levels of conflict and that not all the steps below will be used in any one situation. Our commitment is to follow through in situations of conflict until the process has been utilized to its fullest extent. (Note: There are types of conflict ie. child or elder abuse, that require immediate attention by professional resources outside of Nyland.)
1. Process within yourself your own emotions in order to come to an understanding of the issues, perspectives, and potential outcomes of each involved. Determine if there is a next step to be taken.
2. Get help from someone who is willing to listen to you and assist you in processing the situation in an objective, neutral way.
3. Communicate with the person involved directly in a non-confrontational manner.
4. If this is not a comfortable process for both parties, then get help from people who are skilled in listening and conflict resolution. who can hold neutrality, and are willing to accompany you to witness and/or facilitate a conversation between you and the other person/s involved. This could be a Nyland Conflict Coach* (someone who has had additional training) who would serve as an advocate for our Conflict Resolution Process.
5.Get help from Nyland Community resources
Third Siders or Well-Being are able to set up a process to enable all parties to come to a mutually agreeable (acceptable to all) resolution. If this is not possible for some reason, they will help the parties access external resources. Examples of processes that could be used are Facilitated Meetings, Restorative Circles, Sharing Circles and Mediation.
Board CAG can be of support if there is a legal, financial, or oversight issue and all above steps have been tried without success.
6. Last Resort to outside resources if all who have been involved feel the community process cannot be effective.