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1. Process within yourselfThe first step is an inner dynamic to keep alive during the entire resolution process. It entails checking inside of myself to arrive at some understanding of the issues, perspectives and potential outocmes of the situation and determine if ther is a next step to be taken. Some questions that can help me assess where I am in the process: - Am I emotionally triggered? - Do I know what triggered me and why? - Am I in touch with my feelings sufficiently to be able to communnicate with the other individual(s) without "dumping"?
2. Get help (feedback) from someone- Find someone, in your personal network if you prefer, with whom you feel safe but who will also give you honest feedback. - Find someone who does NOT have history nor is currently involved with the parties and can assist you to process the situation in an objective neutral way - Find someone who is agreable to both parties - Suggest to this person that they walk you through the Conflict Resolution steps
3. Communicate with the person involved directly- Approach in a non-confrontatioinal manner - Assess whether timing is appropriate, safe and constructive - Make sure you can hold the norms of kindness and respect - Always make sure the other person has finished their piece before you speak - Use "I" statements to express feelings and needs
4. If the above steps are not a comfortable process,"...then get help from people who are skilled in listening and conflict resolution, who can hold neutrality and are willing to accompany you to witness and or facilitate a conversation between parties. This could be a Nyland Conflict coach (someone who has had additional training in Conflict Resolution) who would serve as an advocate for the Conflict Resolution Process.
5. Get help from Nyland Community ResourcesThird Siders or Well-Being are able to set up a process to enable all parties to come to a mutually agreeable (acceptable to all) resolution.
6. Outside resourcesIf, in the unlikely event resolution is not possible with all the above resources, as a final resort, we will help parties attain access to external resources. It is also possible that the Third Sider CAG might officially end its support role in accordance with our bylaws and covenants when situations involve legal and or financial matters.
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