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When life's flow is disrupted.

About the Third Siders CAG

Supporting all Nyland Community members

Talking about Conflict




“When our son was bitten by a dog in the community, the third siders held a restorative circle with us and the dog owner. This opportunity to metabolize the feelings, concerns, and practicalities involved was very valuable, and ended up helping us heal the trauma of the incident and forged a closer bond between us and the dog owner. A positive experience built atop a very challenging episode.”


Third Siders CAG: we support all community members in upholding living our community values when respect for agreements decline and differences have turned into conflict


Conflicts: Amy- Beth Fischoff . #3535

Conflicts: Jeff Jones  #3537

Coaches List

  • ​Loretta Luchau #3514

  • Marina Daniels #3502

  • Steve LeClair #3554

  • Toria Thompson #3550

Training/Education: Marilyn Guy  #3559 

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