Defusing a Charged Encounter
Defusing a Charged Encounter
Third Siders Strategies for defusing a charged encounter with a neighbor
Submitted by Marilyn Guy
In the November 2013 community meeting an activity was led where partners role played a situation in which one neighbor was very charged
about a ‘disturbance’. The other partner/neighbor was given the instruction to defuse the situation in order to take next steps to resolve the issue. The following notes were taken and offered here to all Nylanders to expand our options in similar situations.
These kinds of activities are being offered by the Third Siders (a sub-group of Well-Being) to support Nylanders in following our Conflict
Resolution Agreements.
Notes on strategies shared by participants:
View conflict as ‘unfolding’ rather than ‘solution’
Experience conflict as an opportunity for
Use conscious listening and express what you heard
Listen to each other, Active listening “feeling heard”, inquiry for self-responsibility
Hearing the other does not mean I have to solve it
ACKNOWLEDGE the issue, the feelings, difficult emotions, the charge, the anger, limits of personal resources
Set a boundary, a more neutral time to take on the issue
Clear boundaries
Clarify “tolerance” re: individual, community, preferences
Consider another time to meet
Establish boundaries for the type of communication to use
One person shifting the charge can help to resolve
Focus on relationship
Inquiry and curiosity about the issue builds relationship
Draw on previous experiences of resolution
Awareness of inner experience, connection
Draw on your own natural tools, resources
Express vulnerability
Self-awareness if e-mail connections are used
Anger can be an effective boundary, an honest expression if it doesn’t interfere with the relationship
Find ways to stay engaged, not avoiding if future time is used
Follow-through, confirm shared understanding
Use community resources even if resolution is not apparent
Third Siders thank you for reading this article. We hope it will assist you in navigating your relationships at Nyland and take advantage of the opportunity that differences can offer.